Saturday, October 25, 2008

I would hate to complain, but....

Last night Ashten and I ventured to a few different stores to buy some space heaters. As we watched a store associate show off several different space heaters, there was a mother and daughter shopping together for space heaters. Their reason was the same as ours - Heating Oil cost way too much money. Now, every place I have lived in ever since I moved out of my parents house has used fuel oil to heat the house with, yet every time I tell someone that fuel oil is used they reply with shock. This is not shocking to me since other than my parents house, I have never experienced a different option. This year is proving to be the most challenging. It would cost over $900.00 to fill the oil tank up, which would probably supply us with heat for one third of the winter season. That is impossible on our budget, absolutely impossible and when I called and figured out how much it would be to fill up our tank it made my stomach hurt. So instead of taking a loan out so we can have inadequate heat this winter, we bought some space heaters and we are going to seal off this apartment.

Here is what I have been thinking about lately. What kind of low income person could afford that? I don't even consider Ashten and I to be a part of the lower low class, and we can't afford it. How is a couple that relies on welfare and their low wage pay from Wal Mart, Burger King, McDonalds, or another of the hundred places that pays too low; how are these people going to afford any fuel? I consider ourselves lucky that we can afford space heaters as an alternative heat, but many people will not be able to do even that. I find this sad and very pathetic that there are people taking full advantage of low class people JUST BECAUSE THE POOR PREFER NOT TO FREEZE TO DEATH! What in the world, where has sympathy for the poor gone? Instead of recognizing people in need, the billionaires at the fuel companies are making their largest profits ever while people have to choose between heat, giving Christmas gifts, Linkand eating food this month. I think we need Jesus...I am sure we need Jesus.Link

The following are some links that I found explaining some of the facts aboLinkut heating oil, such as price comparisons, the reality of oil heating, and some small ways there are assistance for people who can not afford it.

Citizens Energy
What Consumers Should Know About Heating Oil

It is great that there are people and organizations trying to help the low class, but sadly it is not enough. I think in all reality it takes landlords who will realize that it is not right to ask someone to pay this much for oil just to stay warm...landlords that will respect earth and the low class's wallet. Solar heating, better windows that do not let air in and out, and safe measures that reduce the need for space heaters. This would benefit the landlord in the long run and help the renters immediately.

I realize that this is much banter....and I am sorry. It pains me to see people have to suffer through winter, while also battling seasonal depression and many other factors that make winter so difficult for some people. I do not think heat should be a concern. While I try to calm down and not be so angry about people with lots of money and plenty of is a photo of me pre-space heaters and bubble wrap draft proof house.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

hello friends and family:

it has been a while since i was last on here. lately i have been listening to kanye west, busy with school, turned a year older, and dieting/exercising.

this dieting/exercising is so strange to me. i always thought that i didn't need to be dieting and that the exercise that i was getting was sufficient enough. but recently the more i thought about i need to view my body as an image of God since we were formed in the image of God. i figure that being overweight is probably not the best way to treat my body. that the nice little luxuries in life is not the way to go all the time (example: driving a car when i could ride or walk, eating fatty fast food when i could wait another hour and cook fresh food myself, etc.) i have recently rediscovered my love for fruit...not that i didn't like it before but it just taste better when there are no fatty foods in the way.

it is now october and it looks like this month will be just as busy and quick as the last few. we went to ohio last week and are going to be going back in another week. driving 12 hours round trip twice in a month really makes it hard on our finances, as well as driving 8 hours a week. it kills me how much ashten and i rely on gasoline. as soon as we are done with school i want to swear off of it, perhaps try to shrink our carbon footprint in the meantime. (whatever that means, it is all just cliche' anymore i fear)

our friend marcie is planning on visiting later this month. how exciting.

joey moved to europe. i miss him. if anyone is in germany and sees him, tell him that i say hi.

that is all for now, just a quick update.

